SEO methods

SEO agency Webamatics uses ethical and effective methods to improve the visibility of customers’ websites online.
SEO audit
The first step to a successful website optimisation is a SEO audit. We thoroughly analyse your website, in order to identify the areas that need attention.
We identify a custom SEO strategy, tailored to the specific needs of your project. A good strategy provides a clear roadmap, consisting of a set of guiding principles to position the website in search engine results and reduces the total cost of website optimisation.
Keyword research & competition research
We conduct thorough keywords analysis to determine the relevance of the keywords already present on your website, to verify if your website is targeting actual user searches. We create a matrix of keywords and key phrases which are best suited for the theme of your website. We also analyse the websites of your direct competition.
Website optimisation
Depending on the SEO needs of your website, we implement semantic optimisation based on the keyword matrix and we optimise the meta-data. We also perform the technical optimisation of the code, if needed, and we create textual content for new pages. Additionally, based on the conclusions of the SEO audit, we optimise the structure of the website, we create a site-map, we install statistical traffic analysis tools, and we create a network of natural links pointing towards your website.